Monday, December 18, 2006

Wits Mission 2007

An exciting event has entered its beginning stages. SCO, working alongside African Enterprise and all the Christian Societies at Wits have started planning a large mission on Wits campus for 2007. It will takes months of preparation which will culminate in a week of events such as top speakers, music, prayer, outreach and evangelism. Please assist us in making this all possible. Start praying about this now and also pass on this information to anybody who might be interested in helping. The name of our Lord Jesus Christ is going to be lifted high on campus in 2007.

Rhodes University has a similar mission. For information on how this went, click here, so that you can see what we are in store for.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

End of the year

Tomorrow is our last meeting of the year and it has been a very successful year. Thank you to everyone who has been to a meeting, whether it be a prayer group, bible study, small group or main meeting. Thank you for being enthuasistic and for making Wits just a little bit more aware of our Lord's presence.
We pray and hope that everybody will have fantastic exams, and remember that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is bigger than any of our stresses or worries.
We hope that your holiday is restful and relaxing, and all the best for next year...
We'll keeping blogging to keep you updated as to what will be happening next year. We already have many exciting things planned, so hopefully see you there.

Many blessings,
the SCO Committee 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006


The Schedule for Witness Week is as follows:

Nothing happening on Monday
Tuesday: Hopefully we will have a guest speaker and music on the library lawns at lunch
Wednesday: Talk on Christ and Youth Culture in the Amphitheatre at lunch
Thursday: Nothing but you can go and hit people with your pillow on the library lawns
Friday: Walk for Christ' from the tower of light on West campus (tall white pointy building) to the Piazza in front of the Great Hall, bring banners and posters that promote Christianity and bring some friends.

Try and wear a Christian t-shirt or your society t-shirt.

'But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.' Acts 1:8

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Spiritual gifts notes

To everyone who was on camp, and those who weren't, and want the notes on spiritual gifts from the session that was done, go to the following links:
You're a Masterpiece in the Making
How to Discover Your Primary Spiritual Gift
How to Develop Your Spiritual Gift for Kingdom Impact
Warning Beware of Spiritual Gift Abuse
How to Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
The notes are from sessions taken by Chip Ingram and are a very good biblically based teaching on spiritual gifts. Everyone should try find what gifts God has given them and how they can be used for the glory of his kingdom.

Monday, August 14, 2006

September Camp 2006

3 days. 2 nights. The time of your life!

Desire it. Seek it. Live it.


Click here for the poster.

Click here to check out the

photos of the last camp.

Monday, July 31, 2006

New Committee

New SCO Committee: we are looking for people who are interested in being on the Committee for 2007. There are a variety of positions that need to be filled - chairperson, secretary, treasurer, prayer, small groups, bible study and outreach. If you are interested or want to know more come to the meeting on Friday the 4th of August in the SCO office, D8, Richard Ward building...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Welcome Back...

Hi everybody.. and so we have begun the third term of Wits and the second semester 2006!
We hope that everybody's holdiays were fantastic and we are sure that the second half of this year is going to be even better than the first.
We need to start looking for a new committee for next year so if you are interested please email us or speak to one of the current committee members.
Let's all be passionately prayerful people, and give the rest of this year over to God!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Join SCO at... Youth Leaders Conference 2006

"The Core": 27-30 July 2006
We want to create a space where leaders will be challenged to connect with God on a deeper level so that they can become prophetic leaders who hear and understand who God wants them to be. This year we will be including workshops that cater for leaders and committees Involved in, children, youth (teenage) or young adult ministries.

The conference will be held from Thursday night to Sunday lunch. Thursday and Friday are aimed at youth pastors and youth leaders (full-time and part-time), challenging them to focus on the "core" - their relationship with God - before they lead their teams and the young people whom they're responsible for. Committee members are then encouraged to join their leaders at the conference from Friday night for the remainder of the weekend.

For More Info Contact Jean at (011) 674 4101,

Or apply online:

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Photo Gallery

SCO Photo Updates

These are the photo galleries that are currently available. Enjoy!

March Camp 2006 (Part 1)
March Camp 2006 (Part 2)
March Camp 2006 (Part 3)


Thursday, May 25, 2006


The father of Mokete Makone, a committee member of SCO, passed away recently. The whole of the SCO would like to send our prayers, condolences, and best wishes to the Makone family. We thank God that His faith is so apparent in Mokete at this time, as Mokete guides his family through this difficult time.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Holiday Time

We are into exam time and we hope and pray that all of you will be studying hard and doing well. SCO meetings have stopped until next term, we will be back to normal from the 17th of July... Monday small groups: Purpose Driven life, Tuesday Bible Study, Wednesday prayer and Thursday main meetings.
Enjoy the holidays, keep safe and keep praying...
We hope to see you all back and refreshed ready for the second semester!

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Thursday the 18th of May is our last meeting of the second term and end of the first semester, we are having a small party at lunch in Richard Ward 4, we hope to see lots of you there...
Come and relax before exams and spend some time in fellowship...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Outreach Opportunities

1. Vegetable Garden on West Campus needs volunteers to help grow vegetables, you would help out whenever you are free. There is training on 13th and 21st of May. All vegetables grown are used for the soup kitchen that is held at Holy Trinity Church, East Campus, every week.

2. Volunteers are needed to help mentor/teach kids at an HIV/AIDS home in Berea, this would be whenever you could fit it into your schedule.

If you are intersted in either of these activities email and we'll get back to you with more details.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

SCO Social

Come and join us on Monday for lunch on the library lawns!
Let's get to know each other a little better and spend time together as student Christians on Wits campus....
Hope to see you there - look for the SCO banner...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

A Good Few Months for SCO

With help from outside, and dedication from inside, many great things have happened around SCO in the past few months.

Thanks to the Gideons, 3000 Bibles were distrbuted through SCO on Wits campus.
Thanks to Children of Fire and McDonald's, 1125 toys have found there ways into the hands of needy children and people all over Gauteng. 450 of these toys were given out during the DOCS/SCO outreach to Baragwanath Hospital in March. 380 Easter Eggs, donated by SCO members, were also distributed during this outreach.

Our deepest gratitude to all those who helped make these events happen, but most of all to God, who allowed all of this to happen.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Passion Project (18-22 April)

The Passion Project is an exciting Easter production by Wits arts students. It will run from 18-22 April every evening @ 7pm. Please come and support them and invite as many people as you can. The aim of this production is to bring to life the true story behind Easter, in the hearts and minds of those for whom Jesus died. Hope to see you there!

March Camp 2006 Photos! (1)

As promised here is the first March Camp 2006 photo update…

Day 1: Adventure!
A short hike (for those who didn’t take the detour!), abseiling, bridge-jumping and swimming is how day 1 of camp kicked off.

(Click on a picture to see a larger version)

March Camp 2006 Photos! (2)

Day 2: Workshops. Teambuilding. God.
The evening sessions were refreshing.. God made His presence felt as we spent time in worship and His Word. (Noel & Deborah from Rustenburg, both full-time in youth ministry, were our guest speakers ;)) Day 2 was spent in another session, 'artistic expression', teambuilding, an identity discussion and sport.. again followed by an awesome time in God's presence.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

March Camp 2006 Photos! (3)

Day 3: Fired up.. to change our world.
Our customary last day 'photoshoot' followed another great big breakfast and our last session. SCO camp really did give everyone a new perspective. Bonds were formed, passion was ignited and most importantly we left knowing - we had met with God.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Gideon's Outreach

Gideon's will be handing out Bibles on Wednesday the 12th of April, there will be various tables stationed around campus. If you are intersted watch out for them, go and chat, help or whatever...

Friday, April 07, 2006

Nick - the guy without limbs

On Thursday the 6th of April we showed a dvd on Nick - the guy with no arms or legs. Check out his website if you want to find out more information about him or are interested in getting the dvd.
On the website it says that he will be speaking in Jo'burg from the 8th - 13th November 2006 - that's the end of this year.
Should be inspiring, we will watch out for more information on this...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hillsong United

Hillsong United will be in Jo'burg at Rhema on the 31st of May!
Tickets available form Rhema - R56 or through computicket...
This is going to be good...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Trip to Baragwanth

On Friday, 7th April, we will be going to Baragwanth Hospital to hand out Easter Eggs and just talk to some of the patients...
If you are interested in join us we are meeting at the office at 1.15 to leave by 1.30 it should last about 2 hours,
It's going to be good!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Witness Week

um... more to come on this... hopefully we'll get sorted soon
But here's a verse to ponder:

'Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.' Matt 6:34

First Camp 2006

From 20 March to 22 March we went on an awesome camp...
God was definitely moving in each of the people who attended.
We had two guest speakers from Rustenburg: Noel and Deborah, who were great.
We did abseiling and bridge-jumping, oh yeah!
Food was good and some pretty amazing jokes were made up, hopefully they will be posted soon... :)
Photos will be updated too, but in the mean time here are some from last year's camp...
If you didn't make it... Don't worry we will have another camp later on in the year!

What we do...

We are a student run Christian organisation on Wits campus.
We are non-denominational and meet during varsity hours.
Our fairly structured, non-changing schedule is the following:

Monday: Small groups at lunch in the office (opposite RW4)
Tuesday: Bible Study at lunch in the office
Wednesday: Praise & worship at lunch in the office
Thursday: Main meetings in Richard Ward 4

Monday to Friday - prayer in the office from 12-12.30pm

All welcome, all the time!