Friday, October 12, 2007

What's up at SCO

The mission was a great success, with many hearts touched and many lives changed by the power of Jesus!!! Thanks to everyone who was involved, whether they drew at the Paballo/Night of a Thousand Drawings table, served tea, discipled, or just prayed about the mission and told friends... A follow up weekend is happening in Pietermaritzburg this weekend (12-13 October), and we hope that the plans for christians@wits keep growing, and God's will be done even more on campus.

SCO itself has gone through a large number of changes - a new committee has started their term of office (congratulations to the members), a new block has started, complete with its own unique challenges, and SCO has many exciting events coming up. Our theme for this block is Ephesians 4:1 "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received", and we intend to focus on this verse, and the many related aspects of Christianity throughout this block. Focus on living a prayerful and humble life totally committed to serving God, and worthy of the calling we have received, despite the pressures of exams, deadlines etc - He is so much bigger than all that!!!

We have also had some amazing social times, and times when we were totally focussed on God. The camp held during the September study break was an amazing opportunity to meet new people, get away, and, most importantly, spend some time 'being' with God. Thanks are owed to Edgar Ramsami from Liberty Church (our guest speaker at the camp) for his thought-provoking and enjoyable talks, and to Hannah, Louise and Robin for organising the camp, and to all of the musical types who brought our worship alive!

We have an upcoming social event - the last of the year - which is taking the form of a picnic at Emmarentia Dam. It will be held on the 20th of October from 11am to 2pm (before the rugby), and promises to be a fun-filled time of fellowship. We thank God for the opportunity to fellowship and have fun in His name! Bring food, drinks and things to do, and meet at the main gate of Emmarentia... See you there!

Here's to a successful and enjoyable 4th block as the SCO at wits. Keep praying, and strive every day to live a life worthy of the calling you have received!

God Bless

Tuesday, September 04, 2007



CLAUSE I Interpretation

CLAUSE II Name and Membership

CLAUSE III Aims and Objectives

CLAUSE IV Composition and Functions of the Committee

CLAUSE V Election of the Committee

CLAUSE VI Term of Office

CLAUSE VII Meetings of the Committee

CLAUSE VIII Vacancies on the Committee


CLAUSE X Amendments to this Constitution

CLAUSE XI Rules for Summoning and Conduct of General Meetings

CLAUSE XII Vacation Executive

CLAUSE XIII Sub-Societies

CLAUSE XIV Expulsion of members

CLAUSE XV Publications

CLAUSE XVI General Provisions



In this Constitution, unless the context otherwise indicates:

1. “University” means the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

2. “SRC” means the Student’s Representative Council of the University.

3. “Student” means a registered student of the University in terms of the SRC Constitution as amended.

4. “Staff” means a formal employee of the University.

5. “Year” means academic year.

6. “Committee” means the Committee of the Students’ Christian Organization, which committee is the Executive body of the Students’ Christian Organization

7. “Member” means any student who has paid a subscription fee to the Students’ Christian Organization.

8. “General Election” means the election held in August of each year for the purpose of electing the Committee.

9. In the event of a dispute as to the meaning or interpretation of any clause, section, word or words in this Constitution, the decision of the Committee shall be conclusive as to that meaning or interpretation thereof, provided that this meaning does not conflict with the SRC Standing Orders.



1. The body hereinafter referred to as the students’ Christian Organization is and shall be called the Student’s Christian Organization and shall be designated by the letters SCO.

2. Membership shall be open to all students and staff of the University.

3. The SCO may admit to membership persons who are not students or staff, as defined in this Constitution, provided that such admission is formally approved by the Committee of the SCO and consequently ratified by the SRC.

4. Should outside members be admitted into the SCO in terms of procedure 3., they may serve on the Committee provided that the number of such persons does not exceed one-third of the total number of people serving on the committee.

5. No person shall be considered a member until the subscription, as laid down by the SCO from time to time, has been paid. The amount of the subscription fee is subject to such minimum subscription as stipulated by the SRC.

6. The Committee shall decide the amount of the subscription fee at the beginning of each year. The fee shall be sufficient to enable the continued functioning of the activities of the SCO.



1. The aims of the SCO are:

1.1 To lead students to accept the Christian faith in God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit according to the Scriptures.

1.2 To encourage students to live as true disciples of Jesus Christ their Lord in accordance with the Scriptures by:

1.2.1. Promoting earnest prayer, study of the Bible as the infallible, inspired Word of God, Christian fellowship and stewardship,

1.2.2. Urging members to devote themselves to extending the Kingdom of God in their own country and throughout the world, and training them for this purpose,

1.2.3. Fostering loyalty to the church of Christ as a whole and to a local church in particular,

1.2.4. Assisting them to form a Biblical, consistent and Christ-centred worldview with which to approach academic disciplines and contemporary issues,

1.2.5. Stimulating an awareness of their responsibilities for serving the community and for working for righteousness, justice and peace throughout society.

2. The objectives of the SCO shall be to:

2.1. Have members meeting together regularly to fulfil the aims of the SCO

2.2. be affiliated to the Students’ Christian Organization of South Africa



1. The Committee shall consist of members elected by, from and for the purpose of representing the members of the SCO.

2. The members of the Committee shall be:

2.1 Chairperson;

2.2 Treasurer;

2.3 Secretary.

2.4 Prayer leader

2.5 Outreach leader

2.6 Worship leader

2.7 Small Group leader

2.8 Bible Study leader

3. The function of the Committee is to meet the aims of – and perform the objectives of the SCO.

4. The functions of the individual Committee Members shall be as follows:

4.1 Chairperson:

4.1.1 organise the affairs of the Committee;

4.1.2 ensure that the Committee Members perform their functions;

4.2 Treasurer: will administer the SCO’s financial affairs in accordance with the financial by-laws of the SRC.

4.3 Secretary:

4.3.1 take minutes at all meetings held by the SCO;

4.3.2 submit copies of all minutes to the SRC;

4.3.3 be responsible for notifying the SRC of all proposed amendments to this Constitution;

4.3.4 be responsible for the SCO website and the member e-mail list.

4.3.5 Shall be responsible for all correspondence including correspondence with speakers.

4.4 Prayer leader:

4.4.1 Shall be responsible for encouraging individual and group prayer in SCO.

4.4.2 Shall make the necessary arrangements for all prayer meetings.

4.5 Outreach leader:

4.5.1. Shall be responsible for the encouragement of personal evangelism and follow-up and the co- ordination thereof.

4.5.2. Shall co-ordinate all evangelistic activities.

4.6 Worship leader:

4.6.1. Shall be responsible for co-ordinating all worship events, during meetings and at camps.

4.6.2. Shall be responsible for establishing a worship group to lead worship.

4.7 Small Group leader:

4.7.1. Shall be responsible for running and co-ordinating weekly small groups.

4.8. Bible Study leader:

4.8.1. Shall be responsible for running and co-ordinating weekly Bible study meetings.

5. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to four additional members, a two-thirds majority being required for such a co- option.

6. Co-opted members may or may not have a vote, whichever must be established before such co-option.

7. The Committee shall prayerfully consider the organization of a university mission every three years.


1. The Committee shall be elected at a General Election.

2. The General Election shall be held by the first Monday in September each year.

3. Only members of the SCO shall be allowed to vote in the General Election.

4. The suggested procedure for a General Election is as follows, but can be modified as required.

4.1 A general meeting of all members of the SCO shall be called on the election day, the date, time and venue having been publicised for at least two weeks before the election day.

4.2 A quorum for such meetings shall consist of a minimum of 20% (twenty percent) of the members of the SCO.

4.3 If at such a general meeting there is no quorum present thirty minutes after the advertised starting time, then the Chairperson shall adjourn the meeting for a period of not less than 48 (forty-eight) hours and not more than seven days, and shall then reconvene the meeting. This process shall be repeated until a quorum is obtained.

4.4 The outgoing Chairperson shall be the Chairperson, respectively, for the duration of the General Election or, if unavailable, then the outgoing Vice-Chairperson or, failing either of these two, a Chairperson shall be elected at the meeting for the purpose of conducting the meeting.

4.5 The Chairperson of the meeting shall call for nominations for the position of Chairperson.

4.6 The voting for this position shall be made by show of hands, each member present being allowed to vote only once.

4.7 The nominee receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared Chairperson, for the Committee’s term of office.

4.8 In the event that more than two nominations are forwarded for the position of Chairperson, then the person obtaining the least number of votes shall fall away.

4.9 This procedure shall be repeated until only two candidates remain, whereupon the nominee with the highest number of votes shall be elected Chairperson.

4.10 In the event that both nominees obtain an equal number of votes, the outgoing Chairperson shall have a casting vote.

4.11 The same procedure shall be followed for the election of the remaining members of the Committee.


1. The term of office of the Committee shall be from the moment the full committee is elected at a general meeting until the next General Election has been concluded.

2. The outgoing committee will be allowed to participate in Committee meetings until the end of the year of their term of office, but shall not be allowed to vote at Committee meetings in this instance.


1. Meetings of the Committee shall be held at least once every three weeks.

2. A quorum at Committee meetings shall be a minimum of 4 (four) Committee members. In the event that there is no quorum at any meeting of the Committee, the meeting shall stand adjourned and shall re-assemble at the time appointed by the Chairperson, provided that this second meeting be convened not less than 48 (forty-eight) hours and not more than 7 (seven) days from the date of the first meeting, provided further that the members present at the second meeting shall constitute a quorum.

3. The procedure to be followed at all Committee meetings shall be that laid down in the SRC Rules for the Conduct of Meetings.

4. At meetings of the Committee, the Chairperson shall have both a deliberative and casting vote.

5. All questions shall be decided by a majority of the members present and voting, save where an increased majority is provided for.

6. At least seven days notice shall be given to members of ordinary Committee meetings.

7. The Chairperson, respectively, subject to the provisions of CLAUSE VII.9, may call an extraordinary meeting at any time.

8. The Chairperson shall convene an extraordinary meeting of the Committee within 72 (seventy-two) hours of a written petition signed by not less than a minimum of 2 (two) Committee members calling upon him or her to do so and stating the nature of the business to be discussed.

9. At least 48 (forty-eight) hours notice shall be given for an extraordinary meeting of the Committee.

10. A quorum of an extraordinary meeting of the Committee shall follow the provisions detailed in CLAUSE VII.2

11. Students who are members of the SCO may attend meetings of the Committee, but shall not take part in any discussion except as provided for in CLAUSE VII.12

12. The Committee may invite any student or other person to attend a meeting. A person so invited may take part in the discussion but shall not be permitted to vote.

13. Accurate minute of all meetings shall be taken and a copy thereof posted up on the website of the SCO.

14. A copy of the said minutes shall be forwarded to the SRC Secretary.

15. The Secretary shall produce the minutes of any meeting to any member of the SCO within 5 (five) days, upon request.


1. The seat of a member of the Committee shall become vacant if:

1.1 the member ceases to be a student of the university; or

1.2 the resignation of the member is submitted in writing; or

1.3 the member is absent without good reason from two ordinary meetings of the Committee.

2. Any vacancy that occurs on the Committee shall be filled by a member of the SCO. The by-election shall be conducted, mutatis mutandi, in accordance with the provisions set out in CLAUSE V, and within 1 (one) month of the vacancy.


1. The Committee shall request from the SRC at the beginning of each year a grant sufficient for its needs.

2. The Committee shall administer its funds in the interests of the members in terms of the SRC Financial By-laws.


1. This Constitution shall take effect from the date of its ratification by the SRC.

2. No amendments to this Constitution shall be made save by a 2/3 (two-thirds) majority of members present and voting at an ordinary meeting of the Committee.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of CLAUSE X.2, amendments to the Constitution may be effected by resolution of a 2/3 (two-thirds) majority of members present and voting at an ordinary general meeting of the SCO, provided that notice of the amendment has been posted on the website of the SCO for a period of at least 14 (fourteen) days prior to the date of the said general meeting.

4. All amendments shall be submitted to the Constitutions Officer of the SRC within 2 (two) weeks of their having been ratified by the Committee and shall not be deemed valid until they have been ratified by the SRC.

5. One copy of this Constitution shall be kept by the Constitutions Officer of the SRC, in the SRC office. A second copy shall be kept by the Secretary of the SCO in the Office of the SCO. These 2 (two) copies shall be the official copies of the Constitution and all amendments shall be written into them with the dates of the SRC meetings at which such amendments were ratified. In the event of a conflict between the two official copies, the one kept by the Constitutions Officer of the SRC shall be the binding version.


1. The procedure to be followed at all General Meetings of the SCO shall be laid down in the SRC Rules for the Conduct of Meetings.

2. The order of proceedings at these meetings shall be:

2.1 the acceptance of the minutes of the last general meeting;

2.2 the Chairperson’s address;

2.3 the financial report; and

2.4 notified motions, written notice of which shall be sent to the Secretary at least 72 (seventy-two) hours before the meeting and posted on the website of the SCO at least 48 (forty-eight) hours before the meeting.

3. At least seven days’ notice shall be given to members of the calling of an ordinary General Meeting.

4. At least 48 (forty-eight) hours notice shall be given to members of the calling of an extraordinary General Meeting.

5. The Chairperson may, at any time, call an extraordinary General Meeting and shall do so on receipt of a petition signed by not less than a minimum of 20% (twenty percent) of the members of the SCO.

6. At all General Meetings, 20% (twenty percent) of the members shall constitute a quorum.

7. If at a General Meeting a quorum is not present thirty minute after the advertised starting time, the Chairperson, shall adjourn the meeting and reconvene not less than 48 (forty-eight) hours, and not more than 7 (seven) days later.

8. The Chairperson of the Committee shall take the Chair at all General Meetings. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairman or Vice-Chairlady shall take the chair, failing which a Chairperson, shall be elected by the meeting.


1. The Committee of the SCO shall constitute the Vacation Executive of the SCO.


1. The SCO shall not recognise any sub-societies under this Constitution.



  1. The SCO shall not expel any member, nor debar any member from standing office save for the following procedure:

1.1 Should a majority of the Committee consider that any particular member of the society is acting to the detriment of the aims and objectives of the society as defined in the Constitution, it may expel that member, provided that in every instance the prior approval of the SRC is obtained.

1.2 Should a majority of the Committee consider that any particular member of the society is in breach of the Rules of the University or the Student Code of Conduct, it may expel that member, provided that in every instance the prior approval of the SRC is obtained.


1. All publications issued by the SCO must comply with the Media By-laws of the SRC.


1. Any meeting of the SCO at which any election to its Committee takes place may, by simple majority of the members present require any candidate (or, in the event of there being more than one, all candidates) for election to sign a personal commitment to the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the SCO as defined in this Constitution.



Sunday, July 29, 2007


What's happening at SCO?
This Thursday the 2nd of August is our AGM, it is important that as many people as possible attend, so please try and be there. We will be calling for nominations for our new committee, the final vote for this will be on the 17th of August. If you feel that God is calling you to be a more active member of SCO then step forward and let us know!
We will be having a committee meeting on Friday the 3rd of August at lunch in the SCO office, all are invited. So if you want to see what happens, come and check it out.

T-shirts: They are ready, yAY!!!!! if you paid for a t-shirt when you signed up at the beginning of the year then you can come and collect yours from the office or during our Thursday meeting.

Our weekly schedule continues as follows:
Monday: Prayer at 12pm in the office
Bible Study at lunch in SCO office
Tuesday: Small Groups at lunch in SCO office - current a DVD series is being shown called ' Love, sex and lasting relationships'
Wednesday: Prayer at lunch in SCO office
Thursday: Main meeting at lunch in Richard Ward 4

There is also prayer happening on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 07:15 in John Moffat for the Mission

Christians @ Wits mission

Discipleship training

We need SCO members to attend the discipleship training course from the 20th to the 23rd of August from 18:00-20:30 each evening. This is very important for the success of the mission and the salvation of souls. Everyone who goes through the training can be a counsellor and/or a discipler of new converts. You will be the people at events who will help lead people to the Lord and guide them as to how they can give their lives to Christ. Otherwise, you can run 6 week discipleship courses for new converts. We need as many people as possible to sign-up for this course to help save souls and change lives. It is an amazing opportunity which will equip you for future ministry. We will covering all the expenses of the course so it is free for you. Each person completing the course will get a certificate signed by Michael Cassidy. If you wish to attend please e-mail stating that you want to attend the course, give your contact details and say that you are part of SCO. OR Speak to Daniel Cromberge or Richard Walls on the SCO committee.

Financial support

We have already raised large amounts of money for the mission through many different sources. However, we as students now need to take ownership of the mission and supports God's work. We would like to suggest that each student donates R50 towards this soul saving project. Money can be given to Robin Ballantine or at the next Thursday SCO meeting.

For more information on the Christians @ Wits mission go to or join the Christians @ Wits Facebook group.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

National SCO CAMP
When: 28 June - 2 July 2007
Where: Assemblies of God Campsite - jhb South
Cost: R450
Worship by: Louise Brittz
Speaker: Femi Adeleye
Theme: "Lifestyle mission" - a life of passionate devotion to God and His purpose for the world lived out in our communities, affecting the choices we make. John 20:21 "As the Father sent me, so I am sending you..."
Contact details: Marisa Fourie 0721228733
Barry Haschick 0413730261

Application forms available at Thursdays meeting

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Take Note!

Some very important updates:

Constitution Review: This Friday, the 11th of May, we will be reviewing our constitution. This will happen at lunch in the SCO office, this is something that is very important, and we would like you to attend! Have a say in your society, Hope to see you there.

Jews for Jesus: the Jews for Jesus are coming to campus to hand out pamphlets and do some evangelism, they are keen for SCO members to help them out. They will have a training on Monday the 14th of May at lunch in Richard Ward, and then they will be handing out the pamphlets on the 15th, 17th, 22nd and 24th of may, which are Tuesdays and Thursdays all at lunch. If you help out you won't need to do everyday. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested and if you will be attending the training, if we get no response we will have to cancel the training. Check out their website

Monday, April 30, 2007

Camp April 2007


We spent Thursday to Saturday at Braambos Campsite in the Magliesberg. The camp was great. There were 20 of us, the most we have ever had at a SCO camp. We learnt lots, ate lots, talked lots and encountered God lots...

Check out the pics...