Sunday, March 18, 2007

Please Note:

Our weekly Schedule has changed slightly:

Monday: Bible Study at lunch in the SCO office
Prayer at 12pm in the office

Tuesday: Small Group at lunch in the SCO office

Wednesday: Prayer in RW4 or 5, all Christians and societies are invited, this is specifically praying for the August Mission at Wits

Thursday: Main Meeting at lunch in RW4


When: 26-28 April (leave late Thursday afternoon, arrive back late Saturday)

Where: Braambos Campsite, Magliesberg

Why: Come and Encounter God, enrich your faith and grow friendships

Cost: R230 plus R20 for petrol per person

Pay deposit of R50 by the 29th of March,

full payment by 13th of April.

Bring: An open heart, sleeping bag, Bible, cutlery, notebook & pen, clothes, swimming costume and towel


Sunday, March 04, 2007


We hope that you have begun attending some of our meetings. So far we think that this year is going well, thank you for your enthusiasm.
It is exciting to see God working in people's lives.

If you can sing, play an instrument, make a loud noise or just really want to get involved in something ... come to the worship practice on Tuesdays at lunch in Richard Ward 4 or 5.. We would love to see you there!

There is a soup kitchen that happens at 11am on Tuesdays at Holy Trinity Church (just beyond the Wits Theatre complex), if you would like to get involved just go down there and check it out.

If you are interested in visiting hospitals come to our Thursday meeting (Richard Ward 4, 1.15) and chat to Robin.

We have had one social so far this year - a picnic - which was fun and relaxing. We have our next activity planned for the 20th of March... please keep this date free, we would like to meet more of you so we hope that you will be there!

See you soon
In Christ,
The SCO Committee