Friday, October 12, 2007

What's up at SCO

The mission was a great success, with many hearts touched and many lives changed by the power of Jesus!!! Thanks to everyone who was involved, whether they drew at the Paballo/Night of a Thousand Drawings table, served tea, discipled, or just prayed about the mission and told friends... A follow up weekend is happening in Pietermaritzburg this weekend (12-13 October), and we hope that the plans for christians@wits keep growing, and God's will be done even more on campus.

SCO itself has gone through a large number of changes - a new committee has started their term of office (congratulations to the members), a new block has started, complete with its own unique challenges, and SCO has many exciting events coming up. Our theme for this block is Ephesians 4:1 "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received", and we intend to focus on this verse, and the many related aspects of Christianity throughout this block. Focus on living a prayerful and humble life totally committed to serving God, and worthy of the calling we have received, despite the pressures of exams, deadlines etc - He is so much bigger than all that!!!

We have also had some amazing social times, and times when we were totally focussed on God. The camp held during the September study break was an amazing opportunity to meet new people, get away, and, most importantly, spend some time 'being' with God. Thanks are owed to Edgar Ramsami from Liberty Church (our guest speaker at the camp) for his thought-provoking and enjoyable talks, and to Hannah, Louise and Robin for organising the camp, and to all of the musical types who brought our worship alive!

We have an upcoming social event - the last of the year - which is taking the form of a picnic at Emmarentia Dam. It will be held on the 20th of October from 11am to 2pm (before the rugby), and promises to be a fun-filled time of fellowship. We thank God for the opportunity to fellowship and have fun in His name! Bring food, drinks and things to do, and meet at the main gate of Emmarentia... See you there!

Here's to a successful and enjoyable 4th block as the SCO at wits. Keep praying, and strive every day to live a life worthy of the calling you have received!

God Bless

1 comment:

Pst Simm Kanityi said...

Hi hi Wits SCO what are you up to this year? Hope you still very well and strong in your faith and making Him a King.
From Simm
Rhodes SCO at